a drop in the digital ocean: blog

Basic Differential aka Tank Drive
With the Ratchet hardware build now complete, my developmental focus has turned to the software needed to run him. First up of course has to be getting him to move....

Unity3D Serialport Script
This post presents a script and or prefab developed to allow drag and drop capability for serial communication within the Unity3D game development ecosystem....

Ratchet Headstock Assembly
Here we have another posting on the on-going build of my robot Ratchet. This time around I will detail the construction of the headstock assembly...

ServoBot LED Headlight & Sharp IR Bumper
In this post I will demonstrate the assembly of the bumper for my current robot build Ratchet. The bumper contains both...

Arduino and the Sharp IR Proximity Sensor
In my last post I demonstrated how I modified a couple of Sharp IR sensors for use with the ServoBot Shield...

Sharp IR Servo Plug Tip
This post is really a tip rather than a tutorial. Within it I will demonstrate how I prepare sensors and components such as Sharp IR’s to be compatible with...

The ServoBot Shield
Last month I published a post detailing the construction of a power harness servo based robots Ratchet and Clank. The harness is used to...

The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification
For those of you not in the know: “The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification” is the second episode of the fourth season of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory...

Ratchet & Clank - Power Harness
Today my attention turned towards a means of providing power for my servo based 3D printed robots, Ratchet &; Clank...